Divine Inspiration

Picture by Ziv Qual
I have often heard it said that modern technology is inspired by God. I wonder, though, if God is really responsible for technological advances. Did God really breathe Facebook into the mind of Mark Zuckerberg? Or was Facebook's inception solely a consequence of Mark's creativity?

I think our era is a modern reflection of a biblical story, the Tower of Babel:
The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.
Where once the earth was scattered abroad, today it is joining together in ideas, commerce, and language. Perhaps, instead of inspiring us, God allows us to build great towers and cities of technology. Perhaps God's inspiration is that of motivation, strengthening, and empowerment in our righteous endeavors.


  1. Interesting observation. It's Babylon reversed. Though people don't exactly become more righteous, we are uniting more, and part of us does gather into His church as well.

  2. In the KJV, Genesis 11:6 reads as such:

    "And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do."

    This translation of the verse shows that these people were so confident in their own strength, they thought that they could do anything that could be imagined. However, they were doing it for their own pride and glory, which is why the Lord confounded their languages.

    I think the same principle applies in our day: if we make our efforts for our own glory, the Lord will make sure we don't get anywhere. We may get a start on our own ideas, but in the end our efforts will be meaningless. However, if we choose to use our own ideas for the glory of the Lord, we will have His blessing.

    A perfect example is the Brother of Jared. He came up with an idea that he thought was a solution to a problem. He then asked the Lord to bless his idea and to prosper it. The Lord did this by touching the stones and making them shine. Thus the Brother of Jared was successful with the blessing of the Lord.


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